Types of Dental Crown

Before your dental specialist do its thing for your teeth, alternatives are consistently there for you to pick upon.

What’s more, before putting your crown you can pick of what dental crown you would need in your tooth.

Fundamentally, there are three kinds of dental crown.

1.     Porcelain-intertwined to-metal (PFM)

This is so far the top-level of dental crown on account of its life span and appearance. PFM is metal base and is secured by porcelain to commend to the shade of the teeth. The achievement of PFM is high contrasted with different sorts of crown.

2.     Ceramic/Porcelain crown

This is best for beautifiers in view of its appearance yet it’s not as solid as a metal crown seems to be. Artistic is more delicate yet is better for the appearance.

3.     Metal crown

Sturdiness is the stay of metal crown. As a rule, it is made of gold. Be that as it may, some may think that its unappealing in view of the shading it will bring to the teeth.

The most effective method to Clean Invisalign Retainer

Because of the pandemic, the entrance to the facility got troublesome. Be that as it may, we will keep on giving the assistance our patients need during this difficult time.

Cleaning the Invisalign retainer needn’t bother with a lot and won’t consume your time so make a point to follow all the means to keep it clean.

1.       Rinse the retainer on tepid water

2.       Brush within the retainer in a roundabout movement (utilize delicate bristled brush)

3.       Do the equivalent to the outside

4.       Rinse again utilizing tepid water

In the wake of doing as such, put the retainer on its case to dry and try to watch that the sum total of what remains have been expelled.

Cleaning the retainer can just take five minutes in greatest in return, you will likewise shield your teeth from tartar assemble ups.

Dental Health Guide: How to Properly Floss Your Teeth

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to properly floss your teeth.

  1. Wind 18″ of floss around middle fingers of each hand. Pinch floss between thumbs and index fingers, leaving a 1″- 2″ length in between. Use thumbs to direct floss between upper teeth.
  2. Keep a 1″ – 2″ length of floss taut between fingers. Use index fingers to guide floss between contacts of the lower teeth.
  3. Gently guide floss between the teeth by using a zig-zag motion. DO NOT SNAP FLOSS BETWEEN YOUR TEETH. Contour floss around the side of the tooth.
  4. Slide floss up and down against the tooth surface and under the gumline. Floss each tooth thoroughly with a clean section of floss.


Studies have proven that any oscillating or rotating toothbrush removes more plaque compared to its predecessor the Manual Toothbrush.

But even with that in mind, Manual toothbrush if used proper and frequent can give you the same results. The only difference is that you won’t have that vibrating sensation that you normally get after using a power toothbrush.

We do recommend that if you have poor dexterity and have trouble gripping a toothbrush and/or floss then a power or electric toothbrush might be the right tool for you. We want to help you make the right choice, be sure to raise all your concerns at your next dental exam.


The odor caused by Periodontal Disease is also known as Halitosis. This can be a very embarrassing to have and we do sympathize with you. This can be treated but first we have to make sure if the Halitosis is not caused by a medical problem. After elimination, we can determine with proper dental management your bad breath can be treated.

So before you start wasting your money on expensive toothbrushes or mouthwashes-come to see us first so we may guide you on the proper way to manage your dental health.


How many times have you heard this “ Brush and Floss twice a day” ? So many times that we just chose to ignore it! Brushing once a day just doesn’t cut it. With the numerous times we eat and the rate that bacteria accumulates in the mouth. Having to brush after each big meal is such a small sacrifice to do compared to what is in store for us if we don’t.


Fluoride that is absorbed by your body when teeth were forming (during mother s pregnancy to early childhood) integrates into the structure of enamel and makes it stronger.

After teeth eruption fluoride that is inside your toothpaste or mouthwash, or what your dentist places on your teeth still have a positive effect on your teeth. It strengthens the enamel and reduces the chance of tooth decay.

If you have children and live in an area that has no Fluoride in its drinking water you should consult your dentist and physician about Fluoride tablets that are available for children.


  • Be sure to keep the gauze in your mouth with firm pressure for 30 minutes.• If bleeding should start again, place a fresh piece of gauze over the bleeding area. Bite on gauze with firm, steady pressure for 1 hour. Do not chew on the gauze.
  • For the first 24 hours, brush your remaining teeth 3 times a day. Do not rinse your mouth, or use any mouthwash products.
  • After 24 hours are up, rinse your mouth with warm salt water (1 teaspoon salt in an 8 ounce glass of warm water). At least 4 or 5 times a day to help keep the extraction clean.
  • If you experience any pain, take due pain pills as directed on the package or bottle. Be sure to take any medications as directed.
  • While sleeping or relaxing, it is important to keep your head raised on 2 or 3 pillows. This will prevent any bleeding or swelling.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat anything you can swallow. Do not eat foods such as nuts, patato chips, or spicy foods, etc.
  • Do not drink any alcoholic beverages or smoke for at least a 24-hour period.

How to Properly Brush Your Teeth: A Detailed Guide

After flossing, moisten your toothbrush with water and apply a thin strip of toothpaste. Try to choose one that contains fluoride.

  1. Start with your upper molars (back teeth) on your left side and work in a clockwise direction.
  2. Point the bristles toward the gumline in a 45-degree angle. Use a short circular motion for approximately 20 seconds.
  3. After 20 seconds, roll the brush head away from the gumline so the bristles sweep the surface of the tooth, removing the food and plaque.
  4. Continue working in a clockwise direction, ending with the lower molars on your left side.
  5. Repeat step two and three for the inside surface of the upper and lower molars
  6. Brush the lingual (back) surface of the upper-front teeth by using the tip of the toothbrush head.
  7. Direct the bristles toward the gumline and use a flicking motion down the surface of tooth. Do this 2 to 3 times
  8. Point the bristles of the tip of the toothbrush toward the gumline. Flick the bristles up, away from the gumline in a sweeping motion. Do this 2 to 3 times.
  9. Brush the biting surface of the upper and lower premolars and molars, using a circular motion.
  10. Using a gentle circular motion, brush your tongue for 30 seconds and the inside of your cheeks for 30 seconds.
  11. Finish by rinsing with either water or your choice of mouthwash. Don’t forget to smile!

A lot of people are brushing their teeth the wrong way. So to make sure that you don’t damage your teeth or gums while brushing, watch this video:

5 Best Foods to Eat for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Fast fact: Did you know that nutrition and oral health are interrelated?

If you already know that and you’ve been taking proactive steps to ensure that you consume certain foods that contributes to healthy teeth and gums, then good for you. But if the link between proper nutrition and healthy gums and teeth is actually news for you, then you need to start educating yourself.

It has been mentioned a million times over and we’ll mention it again – just in case you’ve forgotten it. Yes, just like any other part of your body, your teeth and gums are essential part of your body. Everything you consume passes through your mouth (unless you are using a feeding tube, which is an entirely different story) and so it is essential that your teeth and gums are always at its healthiest.

One of the best ways to ensure that you have healthy teeth and gums is by carefully monitoring your diet. And so let’s start with the basic – which food should you consume to ensure that your pearly whites are free from disease and cavity?

Here’s a list of the five best foods to eat for healthy gums and teeth.


Good news to all cheese lovers out there! As it turns out, your love for cheese might be the key in fighting cavities.

In its May/June issue, General Dentistry published a study that highlights the cavity-fighting properties of cheese. The study found that the mouth’s pH level rapidly increases after eating cheese which significantly lowers the change of developing cavities.

And while other dairy products like milk and yogurt are also known to contribute to a healthy mouth and teeth, they are not as potent as cheese in fighting cavities.

It was further revealed that certain compounds in cheese may actually stick to the tooth enamel while eating which serves as a barrier against the harmful effects of acids of teeth.


Almonds has long been considered as a tasty and healthy snack. However, it has long garnered a bad rep because of its close association with candy and chocolates which are two of the major causes of cavities.

Now here’s what you need to know about almonds – when eaten on its own, it serves as a good source of protein and calcium which leads to healthy teeth and gums. Almonds are also packed with antioxidants which helps fight bacteria in the mouth that causes things like inflammation and various periodontal diseases.

3.Leafy greens

How many times have you been told by your parents or doctor to eat your vegetables and leafy greens?

Leafy greens are almost in all “healthy food list” because they are packed with nutrients that our body needs. Do you need calcium? Eat spinach! Need to increase your B-vitamin intake? Eat some kale! Do you want to reinforce your tooth’s enamel to make it weather cavities and acid? Eat your leafy greens!

It may sometimes sound like people are exaggerating the importance of leafy greens in a person’s diet but countless studies have already proven that they really come with multiple health benefits including healthy teeth and gums.


They say “An apple a day keep the doctor away” but did you know that eating apples every day can also keep your dentist away?

Apples and other crunchy fruits and vegetables have high fiber and water content. The combination of fiber and fruit juice stimulates the salivary glands resulting to the increased flow of saliva inside the mouth. Saliva acts as a powerful cleanser which rids the teeth of remaining sugar and stops it before it wreaks havoc to your tooth enamel.

While apples contain high amounts of fructose or fruit sugar, the fiber and water in the fruit counteracts the harmful effect of sugar on teeth.


Just like apples, eating carrots can also help you improve your oral health. Due to its crunchiness and richness in dietary fiber, carrots can help fight cavities.

So the next time you prepare a salad, top it off with several slices of fresh carrots. Not only will it make your teeth and gums healthier, but it will also give a healthy dose of Vitamin A which helps with saliva production. And as you already know, high saliva productions is equal to healthier mouth and lower risk of tooth decay.

Now that you know which types of food you should eat in order to have healthy teeth and gums, it’s also time that you learn which foods you should avoid. Here’s our list of food that are wreaking havoc to your gums and teeth.

Pediatric Dentist Near Me – Find a Dentist

Pediatric Dentist Near Me – Pediatric is defined as a branch of medicine dealing with the development, care, and diseases of infants, children, and adolescents. One of the most overlooked dental care services or profession is pediatric dentist.

Pediatric Dentist Near Me – The Reason
A number of people are waiting for emergencies before taking care of any dental diseases.

But why is that so? Why should we care for kids, infants, and almost all ages? Read below some of the most common dental problems and why we must care to find a dentist as soon as possible.

5 Proven Tips to Keep Cavities at bay

Our teeth is an integral part of our lives whether it’s in childhood or in adulthood. Its functions not only apply to aesthetics but more importantly, it aids in the consumption and the cycle of breaking down food.

More often than not, this regular pattern of wear and tear partnered with numerous chemical reactions that occur inside our mouths lead to oral problems if given the cold shoulder. One of the most common oral problems in the world today – suffered by children and adults alike – are cavities.

In our lifetime, our teeth will only change once – from baby teeth (or milk teeth) to permanent teeth (or adult teeth). Despite this obvious convenience of having your teeth naturally replaced as you transition to adulthood we should still keep in mind that our teeth should always come as a top priority.

So, how do we really fight-off these micro-avengers hiding in plain sight planning their next attack?

Here we give you proven tips to guard your chompers against their decaying might.

What are Cavities?

Cavities, in a sense, are micro-holes or dents that form on the teeth when acid produced by specific types of bacteria react or decay the surface of your teeth – the enamel. These holes, when left unchecked, bore down into the underlying layer of the tooth -the dentin- causing toothache and worse – infections.

Did you know?

According to a recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cavities or tooth decay is among the leading and recurring oral ailments in children.

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research seconded these findings stating that 42 percent of children from the ages of two to 11 were afflicted with cavities on their baby teeth and 21 percent of children from the ages of six to 11 have experienced decay in their permanent teeth.

A similar study spearheaded by the National Center for Health Statistics veered towards adults aged 20-64 noted that 91 percent of the adults in the pool study had caries while 27 percent had untreated tooth decay.

“In 2011-2012, nearly all U.S. adults aged 65 and over (96 percent) with any permanent teeth had dental caries,” the authors further revealed.

Teach Your Kids Proper Oral Hygiene

What better way to halt the spread of cavities than a good-old-fashioned learning? Bring out those dusty chalkboards and notebooks and write this one down quicker than you can say, CHEESE!

The simplest and most cost-cutting way of protecting your teeth and your child’s teeth from cavities is to effectively practice proper oral hygiene regimens inside your home.

From brushing, flossing, to swishing every step makes a difference and every step keeps you away from tooth decay.

By religiously following the ABC’s (Brushing, Flossing, and Swishing) of good oral hygiene you’re building multiple solid and bacteria-proof barriers that will help your teeth repel the onslaught of cavities.

So, get brushing and flossing and swish your cavities away!

Limit Consumption of Sweets

While sweets do not necessarily equate to cavities, it sure does contribute tremendously to the formation of tooth decay if left unchecked.

You see, your mouth is a hive of microcellular life – it must have not occurred to you that your body isn’t just yours- it’s home to all sorts of other things.

When you consume sugar, the bacteria in your mouth goes into berserk mode and produces vast amounts of acid that chip away and break down the surface of your teeth, slowly devouring the enamel down to the core.

When the acid reaches the root of your teeth, bacteria seep into the crevices and holes which in turn irritate the nerves and causes toothaches.

That’s why you should always keep in mind that too much of anything is BAD!

Avoid Fruit and Vegetable Juice Drinks

Yes, it’s given that anything that comes from green yield is good for your overall well-being but the same thing cannot be said about your teeth.

Recent trends paved the way for what we call “Juicing” – juicing is a process wherein vegetables and fruits are broken down or liquefied for the convenience of those who refuse to chew on nature’s green bounty.

Juicing is especially popular to those who are keeping up with modern time’s contemporary bodily standards. And though it has its benefits – mainly lower calorie intake and vitamin absorption – your teeth doesn’t sit well with all that juice.

According to recent breakthroughs in dental health, juicing not only accounts for an increased susceptibility to tooth decay it also is one of the top factors in teeth staining. This is because when vegetables and fruits are transformed into liquid form acidic substances wherein the teeth gets exposed discolor the teeth.

“Every time you eat and drink something acidic, the enamel softens and the surface demineralises,” Dr. David Tharme Jones of The London Smile Clinic shared.

Expose your kids to early Dental Check-ups

It is a known fact that dental clinics and children don’t mix well together. This is confirmed in a study that discovered, 9% to 15% of American children refuse dental treatment because of dental anxiety.

Similar researches supervised by the British Dental Health Foundation also found that 36% of patients, children and adult alike, stated that fear keeps them from visiting dentists on a regular basis.

Although it can be a little difficult, exposing your children to early dental check ups could prove to be of a convenience in the long run especially in identifying the early signs of tooth and gum problems.

By taking the extra step to familiarize them in dental environments and introducing them to practitioners that are well-versed in this specific situations you can help them gain a deeper understanding for overall dental health.

Sealants: An extra layer of Protection

Most people can go by just brushing and flossing their teeth but in the case of children, two simple steps seem inadequate. We all know that children are more prone to eating sweets and consumables that are high in sugar. And for the longest time, sugar has been attributed to be one of the leading causes of tooth decay and other oral problems.

This is where sealants come in – sealants are thin, protective shells that are placed at the surface of the back of your teeth. These “shells” can either be made out of plastic or other dental materials.

Sealants work by preventing pieces of food and bacteria from settling into your teeth. It acts as an initial barrier, protecting the teeth from developing decay.

In fact, it has been found that sealants reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in molars. Another more recent study by the Centers for Disease Control showed that “school-age children without sealants have almost three times more cavities than children with sealants.”

Keeping your teeth healthy should always be top priority regardless of age. Our teeth serve multiple functions in our everyday live from eating to communicating and a whole lot more.

So, if you want to preserve that bright smile of yours just follow these steps and smile your cavities away!


  1. Always remember this old adage: “Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret”
  2. Dental Insurance should never be an option in the long run it will help us financially
  3. Prevention is better than cure so always make hygiene a HABIT!
  4. Pediatric Dentist Near Me is synonymous to kids dentist. So see to it that the dental clinic or the dentist is really capable to handle kids.

How to Choose the Best Dentist Near Me

How to choose the best dentist near me? Are you confused and undecided? Are you looking for the best quality and best price? Whatsoever reasons, it is always right to find dentist near me wherever you are!

Best Dentist Near Me
We have the list here of the qualities of the best dentist you must check before visiting or committing to any dentist.

Genuine Care
Long-term Friendship & Relationship
Affordable yet superior quality
Genuine Care
One of the best quality of a dentist that you nee to look is a genuine one. Why? A genuine dentist is really honest and bold to tell you the truth.

Long-term Friendship & Relationship
Never settle for a short-term or instant relief. It is better to look a long-term one because they will give better services and of course offer.

Generous & Affordable yet superior quality
Budget is one of the top considerations when you decide because it will help you a lot to cover other expenses. But it should not compromise the quality. What is the point of a cheap price if the quality is too mediocre or substandard? Savings? Yes you can save bucks on it but you will suffer eventually.

How can they be generous? There are many ways such as Dental Insurance, financing options, promos and discounts.

Lumineers VS Veneers : head-to-head comparison

Lumineers VS Veneers Newark Ca San Jose Ca | Ever wondered what sorcery celebrities and Hollywood stars concoct to have glimmering white teeth perfect for every photo op?

Well, actually, there’s no Hogwarts-ish secret here, nor any magic involved. The answer lies in veneers, the smile saver that provides straight, pristine and flawless teeth to anyone who dreams of having picture-perfect smiles in every occasion.

What are Lumineers and Veneers

Made of a thin and natural-looking material, these tiny, porcelain shells are bonded to the top of the teeth to provide a more attractive smile. Veneers can alleviate a bevy of problems such as misshapen or chipped teeth, cracked teeth, gaps , discoloration as well as stains.

Veneers are just miracle workers offering a solution so invisible yet the difference is prominently seen by everyone.

Today we’ll talk about a particular brand of veneers called Lumineers®.

These are no-drilling and no-shot no-shots/no-drilling products – a technique made possible through placement of the ultra-thin shells often referred to by Dentists as the No-Prep or No Tooth Preparation placement.

Now we’ve got the basics down. Let’s go straight to the head-to-head.

Lumineers vs Veneers



not as invasive as traditional veneers

tooth is left unchanged

enamel is not damaged

much thinner than veneers

look and feel slightly bulkier when compared to veneers

quicker to apply

strong, durable, and easy to maintain

cover gaps between teeth

will not stain or change color with time

give you a whiter, brighter smile

hide a cracked or chipped tooth

formed from a thin layer of porcelain

improve the appearance of crooked, misaligned teeth

comfortable and have a natural appearance

custom-made to create a seamless smile

require some removal and reshaping of the original tooth (or teeth)

Enamel is removed, leaving the tooth unprotected until the veneer is applied

can be placed in about two visits.

Which is which?
There are several factors to weigh down. First you need to ask yourself what you really want or need.

What are your short-term and long-term goals for your teeth? Are you really sure you need it urgently? Are you aware about the benefits for each? Do you know the specifications of each dental service? Do you have enough budget to suffice the said treatment?

If you answer YES to almost all questions, alright let us dig it furthermore!

Actually, they are almost similar in most of the features or benefits they are just differ on how they are implemented.

You try to read the table above and see their common denominators. Perhaps the best factor to consider is the PRICE! However, it is your preferences shall prevail

Affordable Lumineers and Veneers in Newark Ca San Jose Ca
To get these at LOWEST PRICE try to avail it thru Dental Insurance.

How to get Lumineers and Veneers in Newark Ca or San Jose Ca? It is a no brainer but all you have to do is to ask yourself honestly what do you really want to achieved.

Based on the table above there are some difference between the two. In order to get the best results, do carefully check your present conditions and evaluate which is fit or the best for you.

Meanwhile, in order to get the best price in Newark Ca and San Jose Ca for Lumineers or Veneers do grab the discount coupons along with the dental insurance. Of course you need to do research for it or for your convenience here is the link for your reference

Cheap and Affordable Dental Insurance Plans

Dental Discounts Plans

In other words, getting cheap or affordable Venners and Lumineers are very possible by grabbing any promos! Thanks to Luminous Smile Dental team by figuring it out from the beginning.

Yes actually, the team is continuously finding ways to provide not only the best but also the cheapest dental services for the benefits of the patients in the long run.

Tips and Warnings:

  1. Be honest with yourself when you have to decide between Veneers and Lumineers. Bear in mind that there are factors to consider such as budget and of course the long-term results.
  2. Lumineers and Veneers are almost similar they just differ with the way they are being done. So choose which method that will make you feel easy and no strain.