Denture adhesive and when it is needed

It is very important that the prosthetics you have feel comfortable and steady. We saw several videos wherein prosthetics like dentures are falling out while talking. It is embarrassing, right? So if you want to prevent that from happening to you, keep scrolling because we got you covered.

Denture adhesive is a product applied to the denture that made a contact to the gums to keep it intact and firm. It is the layer that binds the gum-like part of the dentures to the actual gum of the mouth.

Adhesive comes in different forms like powder, paste, pads and gel. But when do I need denture adhesive? Did the dentist failed to do the work?

The answer is you have to consult first to your dentist. However, if the dentures are properly placed and fitted adhesive is not necessary. But if you ever feel uncomfortable, you must first ask your dentist about it rather than fixing it yourself.

We also made the step-by-step procedure on how to apply adhesive whenever you needed it.

Just check the article Applying Denture Adhesive.

How to Clean Invisalign Retainer

Due to the pandemic, the access to the clinic became difficult. However, we will continue to provide the help our patients need during this trying time.

Cleaning the Invisalign retainer doesn’t need much and won’t eat away your time so make sure to follow all the steps to keep it clean.

Rinse the retainer on lukewarm water
Brush the inside of the retainer in a circular motion (use soft-bristled brush)
Do the same to the outside
Rinse again using lukewarm water
After doing so, put the retainer on its case to dry and make sure to check that all remains have been removed.

Cleaning the retainer can only take five minutes in maximum in exchange, you will also protect your teeth from tartar build-ups.

Advantages of wearing veneers

In every cosmetics or prosthetics, we tend to look at the advantages we could get before having one. At Luminous Smile Dental, we always make sure that our patients are well-aware of whatever services they want to have and we also suggest the best option for their respective problems.

However, in able to make every visit quick and easy, I listed the bright sides of one of our most popular cosmetics, the veneers.

We already discussed what are veneers and their type so let’s get right to its advantages.

-As cosmetics the appearance is one of the priorities, thus, picking porcelain veneers will blend the color of the teeth making it natural-looking.

-Veneers can be done in a single visit and will not require too much reshaping unlike crowns

-Porcelain veneers are a good resistor of stain

-Veneers are low maintenance

-Recovery is very quick

Veneers will definitely give you that gorgeous white smile!

Call us now to book your appointment!

Types of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are one of the most effective ways to change the physical appearance of the teeth and are very popular to patients.

It also has different types which each patient has the freedom to choose to.

Snap-on Veneer

Snap-on veneer or commonly known as snap-on smile is the newest type of veneer. This is a removable one and is made out of a hard-wearing dental resin. Doing the normal routine like eating and drinking is not a problem with this cosmetic. For cleaning, you just have to remove and clean it.

Composite Veneer

If you’re talking about cheap veneer, this is for you and it can be done in one visit. Composite veneers are used to treat small gaps and even small cracked or crooked tooth, however, this veneer is prone to discolouration.

Porcelain Veneer

Prioritizing the cosmetics, porcelain veneer is the best option you can get. Although it is quite costly, porcelain blends well to the color of the teeth making it all natural-looking.

Instant Veneer

This is a pre-made veneer unlike those mentioned above. The downside is that you won’t get the custom type of veneer that will fit perfectly to your teeth, however, the pre-made has different shades that goes according to the patient’s teeth.

Things to know about Snap-on Smile

Snap-On Smile is very popular nowadays because of its applicability to all ages.

Snap-On Smile gives a natural-looking smile in form of a removable tray made out of resins but with better longevity.

What makes Snap-On Smile known is due to its affordable price and painless procedures. Eating and drinking can also be done like normal while wearing it.

If you want to know more about the prices and services, give us, at Luminous Smile Dental, a call. We will be happy to entertain your inquiries.

Snap-On Smile is best for people who are not candidates for dental implants and bridges, those with crooked teeth, gaps and missing teeth. The cosmetic is custom made so that it’ll fit perfectly to the patient.

We, at Luminous Smile Dental, are willing to help you have you Snap-on Smile with just two visits. Rest assured that the procedures are easy and painless!

Why use GLO teeth Whitening?

If you are looking for the best teeth whitening available, we highly recommend GLO teeth Whitening!

Here at Luminous Smile Dental, a countless number of patients have been satisfied with the product that makes the ‘Luminous Smile’ a reality.

Glo Brilliant Teeth Whitening System is made from high and advanced technology. A special whitening serum combined with heat and light does the job in removing stains from coffee, smoking, and more.

Consumers’ feedback from using GLO Teeth Whitening has been astounding as well. In Amazon, GLO teeth whitening received four stars out of five in reviews. With that being said, the product is effective compared to other teeth whitening products.

Dr. Hilado has been a partner with GLO due to its consistency in results that satisfies patients.

Give us a call to book your appointment now! At Luminous Smile Dental we make wonders on your teeth that no one can.

How to Speed Up Healing after Tooth Extraction

Extracted tooth can be a bit painful when the anaesthesia stopped working. But put aside your worries as there are few things you can do to make the healing go faster.

Here at Luminous Smile Dental, we always make sure that our patients are well-informed on what they should do after.

We recommend to keep the gauze pad in tack for at least three to four hours after extracting the tooth to stop the bleeding
Rest for the next 24 hours by limiting your movements
Don’t carry heavy things
Rinse with salt after the 24 hours of rest
Make sure to take the medicines prescribed on time
Eat soft foods and soups to minimize the stress on the painful area
By doing the steps mentioned above, the healing will be faster and could be okay by a week.

Natural Looking Crowns at Luminous Smile Dental

If you are looking for a crown that will suits the color of your teeth then you should visit Luminous Smile Dental for that to come true.

The top clinic in California is offering three types of natural-looking crowns that you can choose from, the all-porcelain crown, porcelain-fused-to-metal or the zirconia bruxzir crown.

All-porcelain crown blends well with the colorization of the teeth, hence, making the crowns look like all-natural. However, porcelain is fragile and can break easily if not properly taken care of. This type of crown is best for those who want cheaper crown at the same time, great prosthetic.

Meanwhile, pfm also provides great aesthetics, a bit stronger than all-porcelain but due to the metal fused it can cause grey line in mouth.

Topping the two is the zirconia bruxzir crown. The newest type of crown available. Since Luminous Smile Dental vowed to give the best services to its patients, we acquired the rights to use zirconia bruxzir crown.This type of crown is a bit costly, however, bruxzir is the best crown available. Combining the strength and the appearance, zirconia bruxzir is on the top. You won’t need to worry about grey line or poor aesthetics with this crown.

Patients can choose freely from these crowns so what are you waiting for? Call us now!