How sweets and ice affect my teeth?

It’s hard to resist sweets, right? We consume chocolates, cakes, ice creams a lot, however, too many of them are bad to the health. It can cause diabetes and cavities.

Sweets can stick to the teeth and without thorough cleaning cavities will build up and can lead to tooth decays.

We also use ice almost every day. Some of us have the habit of biting and grinding the ice until it melts. While it sounds fun, doing so can stress the jaw and crack the teeth.

It is not recommended to stop consuming them. Sweets give our bodies energy and the ice is necessary for different drinks. So the suggestion is to be mindful of how many sweet intakes you should have and stop grinding the ice.

The last and the most important one, clean the teeth thoroughly

Importance of Dental Exam

Preventative dentistry will always be the most important for all dentist that regularly scheduling dental exams are necessary.

With dental exam, your dentist will be able to see if there’s a potential dental problems. Detecting such possibilities, precautionary actions will be made so that the patient will no longer have to suffer for the disease.

Aside from this, regular dental exam can prevent gum disease, oral cancer, plaque, and tartar build-up.

Dental exam can also see the history of the oral health. For example, if the patient has been smoking and exercising bad habits.

We, at Luminous Smile Dental, made a pledge to give the best possible care to our patients’ oral health.

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Why Dentists Require Dental X-rays?

Although debated for its effect, dental x-rays are essential to all dentists. Without dental x-rays, the dentist won’t be able to fully see and analyze the situation of one’s teeth.

The amount of radiation is the primary concern for x-rays, however, with recent upgrade in the technology, it is safer to use nowadays. Well, it should be as it is the go-to tool for oral diagnosis/

Dentists require dental x-ray so they can plan how they are going to repair the patient’s teeth, one example is the braces.

Most dentist will also deny patients treatment without x-ray because they will be just guessing without it.

Now, how often should we do x-ray? The answer is that it differs from age. Children can do x-ray every six months up to 24 months while teenager and adults every six months up to three years between x-rays.

Early Signs of Dental Trouble

It is a no-brainer that we, dentists, always push our patients to regularly visit the clinic to maintain the health of the mouth, however, there are still some that we can refer as ‘careless’ wherein they never prioritize the oral health.

So, if you’re one of those, I listed down some of the signs that you should take notice that could lead to dental troubles.

            Swollen face or gums

            Broken Teeth

            Dry Mouth

            Bad Breath

            Mouth Sores

            Jaw Pain

            Tooth Sensitivity

If you’re experiencing any of the mentioned signs, make sure to call us and book your appointment so we can treat you as soon as possible.

We welcome all patients who need our services. So what are you waiting for? Call us now!

How to Properly Clean Dentures?

Proper cleaning is the foundation of long-lasting healthy teeth, and you already made the mistake before by being careless with it that resulted to tooth decays. We then made the necessary action to remove those permanently and put false teeth also known as dentures.

Dentures brought your gorgeous smile back and this time you have to take care of it. We listed down the ways to properly clean it so you won’t be making the same mistake again.

-Pastes for dentures. Believe it or not, there are special pastes to use for dentures because it has a different composition from the natural teeth. Liquid hand or dish soap can also be used as an alternative. Just rub it smoothly or massage the dentures.

-Keeping the gum and mouth clean. You should keep the gum and mouth clean despite losing the original teeth because it can also affect the dentures in the long run. Practice oral hygiene.

-Soak the dentures. Soaking the dentures overnight using a cleaning solution will prevent the dentures to become fragile.

-A soft brush is also recommended for cleaning the dentures. Despite being false teeth, it should be handled gently to last.

Applying Denture Adhesive

Our jaw changes shape overtime that is why bonding the dentures is necessary in the long run. Normally, it is advisable to use adhesive but if you have your dentures for years, it is ideal to use some.

There are two types of denture adhesive: paste and powder. Studies show that adhesive makes it easier to talk and chew without the worry of the dentures getting loose.

How to apply paste adhesive:

Remove the dentures. Clean and rinse it well. Make sure to choose zinc-free paste dentures to avoid health issues due to over usage of zinc.

Start applying the paste to the upper denture. Only put the necessary amount and place it evenly.

            Do the same step for the lower denture.

            Put it back to the mouth and press the upper and lower dentures to keep them intact.

How to apply powder adhesive:

            Choose zinc-free powder

            Clean the dentures using denture cleanser

            Put the powder on the upper denture evenly

            Shake the dentures to spread the powder

            Do the same for the lower denture

            Wear them back and press to firm the adhesive

Why the tooth does hurt after crown?

Hurting of the tooth after a crown is one of the most common questions patients are asking. Do they need to fear? Well, we are going to answer that starting right now.

There are several reasons why the tooth is hurting after putting a dental crown.

Inflammation of the nerve. It is due to the combination of the decay/creak/break you had and when the dentist fixed it. The process may cause the nerve to swell but this is normal. It will only take time to heal.
It could also be that the placement of the crown was too much causing stress when chewing. If this happens, the dentist will have to fix it until the crown fits perfectly.
You need a new root canal. There is a possibility that the root canal previously done was a failure, thus, giving uncomforting feeling to the tooth. Or the root canal was recently done, it takes time to heal.
These are the common reasons why does the tooth hurt after a crown. There is actually nothing serious about it so take you will just have to wait until the pain is gone.

Best Material for Your Dental Crown

There are different types of dental crowns that dentist are using. And they are distinctive that’s why it is the patient who decides what kind of material the crown will be.

The material could be ideal to children, for example is the stainless steel crown. This sort of crown can cover a child tooth and develop with it so when it clears a path for the lasting tooth, the crown will come directly off with the bygone one. These crowns are impermanent, financially savvy, and are easy to set up.

Meanwhile, gold crown is known for the strength. It may not be appealing but the strength and longevity of the crown is assured.

If you’re prioritizing cosmetics, porcelain crown is the one for you. It blends to the natural color of the teeth, however, it is more fragile because it is made out of porcelain.

These are the types of crown that dentist are using for the past years but there is a new one, the bruxzir crown. It may be costly than the rest but it is all the all-in-one crown. It is porcelain but its strength can match the gold crown. The combination of cosmetics and strength made the bruxzir on top.