Procedures for putting crown

If you’re ever wondering how much time will a crown takes away from you then the answer is it’ll take just two dental visits to finish applying. Also, it is not a waste of time because crown helps protect weak tooth, restore broken tooth, etc. Those who are qualified for a crown have their own choices on the type of crowns they want as we mentioned in the previous article.

On this note, we will elaborate the procedures dentists are doing for putting crown to the patient.

The first visit is for the examination of the tooth as well as preparing the crown. X-rays will be performed to evaluate the status of the tooth. Root canal could be done if necessary.

The dentist will also reshape the affected tooth as a preparation before putting the crown. Temporary crown could also be applied.

During the second and final visit, the customized crown will now be placed. Reminders on how to take care of the crown should be kept in mind regularly to keep the prosthetic in good shape.

Worms causing tooth decays? Are they real?

Have you ever wonder how the ancient civilization dealt with tooth problems or what tooth problems did they encountered? Believe it or not cavity exists since the old days. There were myths on why people had cavities and one of them are the tooth worms.

Cavity should had been a common problem for the ancient times since they were all lacking proper hygiene and enough knowledge to keep it healthy.

Tooth worms were widely believe in the world as a cause of decay since it was written in different scripts like the Sumerian and the Chinese script. But does worms inside our tooth realistic?

The myth of tooth worms causing decays had been debunked with our progressing technology in the dentistry.

Cavity is the result of plaques that have been sticking on the teeth for a period of time. The remains of food that contain sugar and starch will form acids that will destroy the enamel as well as the whole tooth.

The only thing we should be afraid of is not the tooth worm but the mindset of always cleaning our teeth.

PPE on Dental Clinic’s New Normal

As the whole world is headed to the new phase of living, the new normal, changes in different businesses will take place. One part of the new normal is the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment of the PPE while conducting dental services.

Dentists are advised to wear PPE as well as their patients, hence, the cost of service will likely to increase. As we heightened the safety for everyone, the exchange it will cost is the price. This is the new normal we must be able to adapt and accept.

PPE is very essential to avoid the spread of possible virus from one person to another. Coronavirus must be taken seriously as it killed thousands of lives already and infecting millions across the globe. While the economy is hurting, we must all act together and meet at the center in able to move to the new normal effectively.

Scaling and Root Planning

Scaling and root arranging is an approach to treat periodontal malady in a non-careful way. It is not the same as normal cleaning and is otherwise called deep cleaning.

Likewise, this method is recognized as the best quality level of medicines for the individuals who have incessant periodontitis.

For the most part, it takes a few arrangement to complete the process of scaling and root arranging, despite the fact that it is non-careful, sedation is as yet applied to patients.

After altogether cleaning the teeth by methods for scaling all tartar, plaque and bacterial poisons just as smoothening harsh zones of the root surfaces.

In the wake of finishing the system, an upkeep is suggested, observe this is spending benevolent.

To make sure about a sound teeth, let fundamental and right teeth cleaning be a propensity.

What are the signs of Dental Cavities?

Cavity is a common oral problem for many of us. More than two billion people around the globe have dental cavities on their permanent tooth which may lead to severe oral problems.

Tooth filling is done if the cavity is not that deep while extraction if the tooth can’t longer be saved.

In order to avoid unnecessary spending money and quickly tackle before turning worse, especially right now with the pandemic halting works and businesses, here are the signs you should be able to notice immediately if you’re on pace of having cavity.

Visible holes appears on the teeth. This will get bigger if not taken care of
Tooth becomes too sensitive due the enamel has weakened
Bad breath because of the plaque build-up that turned to cavity
If you’re experiencing these common symptoms make sure to take the necessary actions right away or call us,Luminous Smile Dental, to fix it right away.

Options for cracked tooth at Luminous Smile Dental

Cracked tooth is a common dental problem and as we mentioned earlier it has different types.

However, dentist also have several options to treat cracked tooth regardless of its type.

There are five ways to treat cracked tooth and these are by crowns, veneers, dental bonding, root canal and dental implant.

And hola! All of these services are available in our clinic, Luminous Smile Dental located in California.

Crowns and veneers have their own types as well. Patients can choose what they want, from budget friendly, long lasting and appearance.

Meanwhile, dental bonding is done when the tooth can no longer be saved. Extraction is needed before an artificial tooth is planted.

As for the root canal, the tooth can still be saved despite the crack reaching the pulp. A crown is needed after the operation to restore the appearance of the tooth.

Tips to Prevent Dental Decay

Too much consumption of sweet foods is the reason for tooth decay especially if the remains are not cleaned. It will soon form plaque due to the combination of acid, saliva, and bacteria that causes the destruction of the enamel as well as the inner part of the tooth.

There are ways to prevent dental decay from happening. These simple tips are often forgotten so make sure to include them on your daily routine.

Don’t be lazy and practice brushing your teeth at least twice a day. This is very simple but the most important tip. It is preferable to brush the teeth after every meal or before going to bed.

Visiting your dentist should also be part of your norm. Asking for advice and regular check-ups help to prevent trouble of the oral.

Dental floss is the partner of brushing. Flossing helps remove food remains on parts where bristles can’t reach.

A healthy diet is also key to maintain the good oral health. Too much carbohydrates will increase the chances of tooth decay
If you have more concern or questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

Identifying the Types of Cracked Tooth

Enamel is the hardest part of our body containing the highest mineral. But all of us should know that despite its toughness, it can be destroyed.

Activities such as contact sports without mouth guard can cause cracked tooth as well as tooth decays that weakens the enamel.

Overall there are five types of cracked tooth and we will elaborate each of them.

Cracked cusp. At the point when a bit of a tooth’s biting surface severs, it’s known as a cracked cusp. It generally doesn’t cause a lot of torment.

Cracked tooth. A broke tooth implies a split reaches out from the biting surface vertically toward the root. Early conclusion is significant for this situation to spare the tooth. A split tooth left untreated will deteriorate as time passes by and can bring about lost the tooth. Early treatment is fundamental in sparing broke teeth.

Split tooth. A split tooth is generally the aftereffect of a drawn out broke tooth. It is distinguished by a break with unmistakable fragments that can be isolated. A split tooth can’t be spared flawless.

Vertical root crack. These splits start in the base of the tooth and stretch out toward the biting surface. Regularly, they give insignificant indications and manifestations. Commonly, they are found when the encompassing bone and gum become tainted.

Craze lines. These are little breaks that solitary influence the external finish. Furor lines are regular for grown-ups. They are shallow, cause no torment, and are not an issue past the manner in which they look.